



Using your voice to champion small business is now easier than ever with SBAM’s new member benefit, 一个免费的SBAM的基本机会, 溢价, VIP及精英会员. Become an SBAM 宣传 Champion and learn how to advocate for the small business community while elevating your own business.

当涉及到支持小企业的声音时, there is no bigger advocate than the Small Business Association of Michigan. But what makes our voice stronger are the individual efforts of small business owners who are willing to use their own voices to help promote the small business agenda.

SBAM has outlined five ways in which YOU can get involved as an SBAM 宣传 Champion. From being willing to simply communicate your viewpoints with legislators, 志愿参加竞选活动, 甚至自己竞选公职, SBAM在这里帮助你成功. 不管你目前的经验水平如何, 请看看这五种参与的方式, and let us know if we can count on you to be an SBAM 宣传 Champion in one or more of these areas.


No one knows how a piece of legislation or regulation will impact your business better than you. Communicating your message with legislators and key state leaders plays an important role in supporting a policy environment that helps small businesses thrive. SBAM将对您进行以下以及更多方面的培训:

  • 如何通过印刷品和电子邮件与立法者沟通 
  • 与立法者和主要国家领导人会面的提示 
  • 如何在立法委员会面前作证

看SBAM董事会成员Ginny Sherrow,芬顿酒庄的老板 & 啤酒厂, 作证.


Whether it is for advocacy or simply learning how to better promote your business, we will help you fine tune your media communications to better convey your story. 培训内容包括: 

  • 电视采访中 
  • 电台采访 
  • 打印/专栏 

SBAM董事会成员Patti Eisenbraun 接受CNN采访 她的公司Brown Iron Brewhouse面临劳动力短缺的问题.

Check out SBAM member Tom Mathison on ways he’s utilized his voice on a major SBAM legislative priority and topic he’s passionate about: 照顾孩子. 

董事会 & 佣金

密歇根有一个 各种董事会和委员会 at the state level that are a great way for small business owners to engage in areas that are important to them. This training will help you identify opportunities for greater engagement and walk you through the process of what it takes to apply and be selected through the Appointments Division in the Office of the Governor. 

Past Chair Bill Kimble was recently appointed to the Michigan Community Service Commission for his efforts within the Lansing region. 他是这样评价这次机会的:

“Serving our communities is an important and vital piece to creating places and spaces for small businesses to thrive.  当我想到我自己的服务, I wanted to give back in a way that sought to strengthen Michigan communities statewide and share my thoughts and expertise in a way to make an impact on a much broader scale.  The Michigan Community Service Commission is appointed by the Governor and focuses on the power of volunteerism to address and fill gaps on Michigan’s most pressing needs. My Engineering background was welcomed by the Commission to strengthen the Volunteer and Community 订婚 aspect for Disaster Response and Recovery across the state.  I encourage those who seek a higher level of involvement to explore the many opportunities offered at the statewide and local levels in the form of service on boards and commissions.” 


Understanding how campaigns work is a necessary skill for getting more involved in your local party, 帮助你信任的候选人当选, 决定自己竞选公职.  这次培训的重点是: 

  • 如何参加当地的聚会
  • 门敲门 
  • 如何打电话 
  • 活动邮件 
  • 如何报名成为选区代表 

This training will be tailored for members who are interested in working campaigns or helping other small business owners run for office. Members will also be able to take valuable information from this training and enter our 候选人学校 学习如何自己竞选公职.

“Getting involved in local and statewide politics by volunteering on campaigns or running for various local positions or offices yourself opens doors to communicate with people on the advocacy level in a much deeper way.  Learning how to communicate a message for a candidate you believe in that carries a pro-small business message or for yourself is an empowering and impactful growth opportunity.  Being a precinct delegate has taught me the ins and outs of local county politics while being able to strengthen my voice on important principles.  Being involved in a boots-on-the-ground way has given advocacy access to lawmakers that has proven to create stronger relationships that benefit SBAM’s influence in Lansing.——凯利·桑德斯,选区代表



This training will give our small business owners a better understanding of what it means to run for office. 您将了解: 

  • 这是奔跑的代价 
  • 如何平衡你的业务和选举办公室 
  • 如何建立你的活动 
  • 筹款和合规 
  • 研究和信息传递 
  • 招募志愿者 
  • Connecting you to other organizations that also have tools and resources to better prepare you to run for office

“通过sam的候选人学校对我有很大的帮助. 我学到了竞选公职所需的宝贵经验, and how to incorporate my skills as a small business owner into creating policy that makes small businesses thrive. I especially grew from the real-life candidate lectures from current members.——众议员安吉拉·维特尔 

是的! 我很感兴趣!

Ready to learn more about these advocacy initiatives, and how you can get involved? Let us know your areas of interest and we will be in touch with the next steps.

问题? 联系基层协调员 & 政策顾问 雅各布·曼宁 或是SBAM的政策副总裁 & 订婚 凯利桑德斯
